The idea of a World Friendship Day, which takes place on 30th July, was conceived from Hallmark cards back in the 1930’s. Initially, this day was celebrated on the 2nd of August but that has changed.
The public was cynical about the idea as they thought it was a money-making plot. Europe was not receptive to the idea and hence the sales of friendship day cards was a big flop. In the US, the day was insignificant by the mid-1940’s.
However, that was not the case in other countries. For instance, Asia adopted the idea and made it a very popular custom. Asians have reserved a day in which they can exchange gifts and celebrate with their friends.
The World Friendship Crusade made a proposal for the first World Friendship Day to be held on the 30th of July 1958. Fast forward to 2011, the General Assembly of United Nations declared the 30th of July as the International Day of Friendship.
As time goes by, there has been an upward surge in the number of people who celebrate the World Friendship day and International Day of Friendship. People from different backgrounds are brought together through local community activities and also online.
Keeping the Theme Alive
The theme behind the “International Day of Friendship” as instigated by the UN is the interesting notions that: poverty, injustice, and war will greatly reduce if people take the initiative to make friends. It should not come as a surprise now that the UN is known for creating an awareness day for nearly everything.
“Through friendship — by accumulating bonds of camaraderie and developing strong ties of trust — we can contribute to the fundamental shifts that are urgently needed to achieve lasting stability,” explains the UN.
Just give it a try, all you need is to make your company or business celebrate each other’s companionship.
The first proposal of the ‘International Friendship Day’ in India was done in 1958. The greeting card industry played a huge role in the creation and promotion of this idea. Ever since there has been a revival of interest in the holiday. This is evident in areas such as Malaysia and Bangladesh.
Human resources in various organizations are deploying different modes of communication such as smartphones to sensitize their employees on the importance of this holiday.
Celebrating Nat’l Friendship Day at Work
It’s evident to most employees and employers that workplace friendships are quite a major challenge that human resources professionals face. HR practices have been put in place to facilitate friendly atmospheres in the workplace and this can be attributed to the conception of ideas such as the Nat’l Friendship day.
Some employees have revealed the sense of isolation that they have in their departments. Others claim it’s hard to make friends, all this can be solved through the adoption of Nat’l Friendship Day at the workplace.
Human resource practices are often questioned over their level of objectivity in the management of human resources. All this lays on the fact that friendships are vital in any human endeavors, we all like co-operating with those whom we deem to be our friends.
Human resource practices should confide, create ties, and get people to trust and like each other. This inevitably creates harmony at the workplace while strengthening both the external and internal relationships.
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